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21 January 2021

Within testing on the frontend there are a few options

Only the first is PHP based, the rest is JavaScript based.

The first is also heavily integrated with the Laravel framework. Hence the name.

For the project I’m working on I’m using not Dusk, but Cypress. The reason for this is that the app uses subdomains, I found that Dusk doesn’t handle this well. I could be wrong here, please let me know.

Since Cypress is not tightly integrated with Laravel, I am using a package by Jeffrey Way laracasts/cypress which extends the Cypress commands with ajax calls to Laravel for different tasks. For example; create a model, refresh the database or to execute a artisan command.


The package has one command and that is to create the boilerplate that is used by the tests. This boilerplate include the basic Cypress files, and a file in which all the different commands are defined.

These are a their base ajax calls to the backend, and the package also provides the endpoints for these commands.

In order for Cypress to know which site to visit, you need to create cypress.json with the baseUrl property.

And if you create a .env.cypress file, then those values are going to be used in the test runs. Note: be sure to mirror the environment variables from the phpunit config.

Initial testcase

Writing the first test is pretty straight forward

  1. In the integration folder, create a .spec.js file
  2. In there you use describe or context to label the scenario that you are going to test
  3. Use it to label the test itself



describe(verify the login ability', () => {
    context('unable to login', () => {
        it('can not login without an account', () => {
                .get('#loginForm input[name=email]')
                .type('very secret password')

                .should('contain', 'hello')

Setting the stage

Sometimes, if not always, you want to do something before or after every test or scenario. Cypress has a set of commands for this purpose;

These are similar to what phpunit has with setUp and tearDown. Though I’m not sure if there is an equivalent to cy.before.